Saturday, April 30, 2005

Flaky environmentalist

I really care about the environment. No really I do. I'm seriously worried about global warming, recycling, sea levels rising, lack of water, ice caps melting, etc. But I'm crap!

I recycle paper ... but I don't recycle as much as I should do. I claim access issues - half the time. I'm not sure I can claim my dishwasher is there because of a disability access issue though, that's lazyness and convenience, yes?

I'm always so impressed by environmental activists like the ones who fitted solar panels to deputy prime minister John Prescot's home the other day. How funny! How clever. Also extremely impressed with the McLibel duo, Dave and Helen, who fought McDonald's anti-earth practices for years in the British courts on several levels: health grounds, targeting children with advertising, animal cruelty and chopping down of rain forests. I didn't really engage with the huge anti-McDonald's campaign until recently ... and it is shocking where we've allowed them to get to as a multinational with a single aim to make profit at all costs with their appalling business model.

Anyway, to salvage my conscience I've decided that I am going to donate money monthly from my wage packet using Give As You Earn to some kind of environmental cause. I don't yet know who I'm going to give it to. If anyone has any suggestions that'd be really useful ... the research starts now.


Kev said...

Gosh, I know exactly what you mean about being a flaky environmentalist. That's me too. Totally believe I should be doing more, but not always (anywhere near) achieving it. We fought for what seemed like months to get a second pathetically small recycling box from the council (so instead of one being filled in 5 minutes flat, we actually get to 10 minutes before they are overflowing - what joy!). Hmmm, other than the obvious charities like Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth, I'm not sure what to suggest for GAYE donations. If you get any great suggestions, please share...

Katie said...

Hi Damon, That's a good idea to be a flaky environmentalist, I like the idea of "Give as you Earn" . I give money to carities as well and feel good afterwards that I've helped. You could if you wanted help our charity H.A.D and get your colleagues from your work to as well! You don't have to, but there's the idea!

Blogger said...

You may be qualified for a new government sponsored solar program.
Click here and find out if you qualify now!